The Aurora blueberry quality is firm with a tiny dry picking scar. The fruit is suitable for long term storage in controlled atmosphere. Berries of the later harvest will be deep blue to black. Th ere are 3 distinct harvests with Aurora. The flavor of the first ripe fruit is mostly acid with only a hint of sweetness. The second and third harvests the acidity decreases only slightly with slight sweetness.

In Season: Mid-August


Blue Crop Planted in 2016 and will have some harvest in 2017. Blue Crop is the leading early-mid-season highbush blueberry in the United States. The fruit size is large, quality is firm and bright blue in color. We will expect these to begin ripening the last week of June and on into July.

In Season: Late June to early July


Perhaps the best midseason ripening cultivar for u-pick growers. Fruits are large, some of them an inch in diameter. Flavors of sweetness with a desirable hint of acidity make it a fine flavored fruit. Yields are consistently high in all recommended zones.

In Season: June-July


The Chandler is a cultivar of blueberry that is the world's largest blueberry with fruit the size of cherries. Producing deep sky blue blueberries will cover the 5- to 7-ft. bush in July. The delicious, sweet flavor makes it ideal for baking and eating fresh. It's long ripening season allows you to enjoy the fresh fruit for up to 6 weeks.

In Season: Mid-August


Draper blueberry is a mid-season variety that is consistently large and uniform with a light blue color. This easy to pick blueberries has a great shelf-life. The thicker skin gives the fruit a great crisp texture and a resistance to splitting.

In Season: August


This is a very popular organic cultivar among pick your own blueberry lovers. When the berries of Duke ripen you will know that summer is here! Deep blue, medium size berries will cover the bush for a period of 3 weeks every year. Sweet flavors of the berries are loaded with vitamins in every handful.

In Season: Mid-June


Legacy were planted in 2015 and have grown rapidly. Fruit size is medium, high quality with great storage life, with a superior flavor. These tasty blueberries will be ready for picking by the middle of July.

In Season: Mid-July
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